Living on the road like we do, one of the inconvenience we sometimes come across is locating veterinarian for our little dog, Leah. It’s not really hard to find one, but to find the “right:” one can be the challenge.
When it comes time to finding one, we simply look in a phone book or go to the yellow pages on the Internet to locate one. We will write down several and then call to find out their prices and scheduling. We kind of go by how they sound on the phone as to whether or not we will take our pet to them.
It was different this year for us, we got use to and very familiar to the Vet up in Mountain Home AR. Presley’s Veterinarian (Dr. Siedel) was gentle, kind and a very caring vet for animals and to their owners. Even his workers were fantastic. They were there when ever we needed advise or to answer any questions we might had. Those that know our little dog, knows she has given us few grey hairs and shed some of her 9 lives. Even the crew at Presley’s was waiting to see what mischief Leah could find herself in.
Being that this year we will not be anywhere near Mountain Home, it was time to find that Vet once again for Leah’s annual check-up and shots. We did call around to areas in Blythe, Parker and even to the one here in Quartzsite. Although they were to the point and very direct when calling, they were the cheapest and didn’t do a lot of unnecessary test that some vets seem to want to push in doing (like cleaning of teeth), so we did choose Quartzsite Animal clinic.
We both agreed that once walking into the clinic and upon meeting the vet, would determine if we walked out or stayed and let him give her her shots. The verdict is:
The receptionist, which we assume might have been vet’s wife, was friendly and very courteous and chatted with us while we waited our turn. The vet himself, wasn’t very talkative and was very business like. Most vet’s we have gone to allowed us to hold our dogs while given their exams or shots, this one kept demanding that we keep all four of her feet on the table.
His examining room desire maybe a little straightening and organization, but the exam table seemed to been cleaned and disinfected (or we least hope so).
He did however, listen to her lungs, took her temp, checked her teeth and ears. Called her a “wiggle butt”; which she was and that didn’t bother us, we thought that maybe we would see a little humor finally come out of him. Leah did manage to wiggle so much that her first shot ended up all over Brian’s hand and not hitting the prime target-Leah….He was actually gentle on her when it came for him to give her shots.
Leah must not have thought to bad of him either, she didn’t even make an attempt to bite him! She has only bitten one, okay two vets. The first one, he deserved in my opinion. and the second time was poor Doctor Siedel, when she was sick, so I guess she had an excuse that time.
One of the things that really made me think better of this vet is he is the only one that I have ever heard that will help someone with a sick animal that can’t pay. Oh, they don’t let them leave without something. They ask if the owner has anything of value to put towards the bill until they can come up with the money. The receptionist told us about a kid bringing in his sick dog last week and had no money, but had a violin. So they are hanging onto his instrument until he can get cash. I guess over the years they have accumulated jewelry and electronic gadgets just to name a few things. Some folks have come back with money, others have not. Too me that says a lot about a business owner and that will make me want to continue doing business with them. You don’t come across to many people like that anymore, so I would rather patronize and help them out, if they are willing to help another poor soul out.
Will we go back there again? yes; but only for her annual check-up and shots. He takes no appointments and he does not do emergency calls after hours. And most of Leah’s “emergencies” has always been-after hours.
After her shots-poor girl:
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