As Brian and I walk around the Las Vegas Bay Campground and towards the closed boat ramp, we came across several trails that head towards the rushing water.
On one of our crazy adventure we followed a foot trail that was not a registered trail with NRA. It wind and meander what we thought towards the rolling creek. But instead just along the bluff. So we choose to make our own foot trail, towards the creek. Once we got down there, we planned on walking along the water way and doing some of our own exploring.
Our exploring came to an abrupt halt when we got into cattails and the canyon wall that we just couldn’t get around. Now the dilemma was do we back track all the way back or try climbing up on another old fishing trail that someone else made? Brian didn’t think that I could make it up the canyon because it was steep, and it looked like who ever made the foot trail did a lot of sliding downwards.
The She-Woman that Brian tends to call me once in a while, said that I could make it-with a little boost from him. Oh, he gave me the 1-2-3 push and I did make it up that canyon. Only problem was, it was just a portion and we still had to climb upwards more yet! Brian said that we probably climbed 90 feet straight up with little plateaus to land and rest once in a while.
We did make it back to the top, all dirty and dusty and just one minor scrap on my knee; which is already heeled up. After that adventure, Brian said he needed a drink and that he wasn’t going to let me talk him into another adventure like that again.
So last night what did we do? You guessed it-I had discovered another fishing trail along one of our walks several days back and I wanted to go exploring again. But this time, a camper next to us had already been on it and said it was an awesome trail. The only thing eerie for them, they went early morning and came across a fresh dead chicken with it’s neck broken and a candle still burning. Now that would of freaked the both of us out! But that didn’t stop us from still checking out the trial-only a couple days later.
As we entered the fishing trial and it wind it’s way back and forth, you did get a sort of eerie feeling. We are surrounded with canyon walls and brush that has grown up. the trail that we were following was along the Las Vegas Bay and what used to be the inlet waterway of Lake Mead. The only sound you could hear was the occasional sound of water and the quails calling for it’s mate. Due to the warm weather we have been experiencing, we also had to watch out for not-so-friendly-snakes.
After about 15 minutes on the trail, we came across where the water way was rushing through a split in the canyon wall. It was amazing and beautiful. The camper next to us said the day they were there, that carps were spawning and trying to jump upstream. We didn’t get to see any of that, but the view was worth the adventure. We would have gone a little farther, but there was a family there fishing downstream and we didn’t want to disturb them and it was getting also close to sun setting, and we did need to find our way back yet.
No scraps or bruises, but yet we were once again dirty. And NO, we never came across any dead chickens either.
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