Tuesday, August 30, 2011


We have now spent well over 4 months here at Grand Junction CO.  What do we think about it?

My personal humble feeling is this:  although we did meet a lot of good folks here in Grand Junction, I do not think it would be a choice of where I would ever really want to settle down. Why?  Again, we have met a lot of nice folks here, but on the other hand we found it to be not the friendliest places either.  Going shopping, if you smile at someone, they look at you as if you have just done something wrong.  While we spent seasonal summers in Mountain Home AR, if you smile at someone, they would smile back at you and even may say “hello”.

We notice that you also have to be a more defensive driver, because you just might get hit or rear-ended.   Since being here, we nearly missed getting reared in by another driver not paying attention, and there fore causing a chain reaction of cars getting hit, with us just barely getting missed by the car behind us.  One minor injury caused in that accident.  We had another incident where I noticed a truck out my rear-view mirror swerving in and out of cars, nearly hitting us.  If I hadn’t taken the shoulder-he would have hit us.  Again on another occasion a vehicle decided to make a right-hand turn from the far left side of the road-way, almost hitting the car next to us and us!

The cashiers at the store makes you feel like you shouldn’t be in their lane checking out and are annoyed that you did check out with them.  There is even one checker at one of the Wal-Mart that will freely give you her opinion; whether you want it or not.  We have learned to avoid checking out with her whenever we see her as a checker.

Now I’m not totally putting down Grand Junction for there are some positive and upbeat to it.  When I needed to get my foot checked, you just don’t call a doctor and get in.  So I ended up going to an Urgent Care Center with Community Hospital.  They treated me well and acted as though I was a human being, not just another sick person or a statistic.  When I was able to get to a foot surgeon, I ended up going to Patterson Ankle & Foot specialist and the Doctor that I had did a wonderful job getting my back on my foot again.  She was awesome and if ever I had to go again-I would go back to her.

We did give Grand Junction a lot of business this summer, with my foot surgery,  to finding a good dentist, going to Midas to fix our A/C and breaks on the car.  Buying a new computer, and  last but not least, buying at the local department stores.

There is also many things to see and do while in or near Grand Junction.  You have the National Monument (which by the way, if you own a dog, they are allowed in the campground, but not on any of the trails) and the Dinosaur Museum is not far from the West entrance.  The Book Cliff mountains and Mount Garfield (which you might find wild horses on the back side) are spectacular to view, the James M. Robb Colorado River State Parks (Island Acres, Connected Lake, Corn Lake & Fruita), Palisade Wineries (That do Peach Festival in August and the Wine Festival in Sept), and don’t forget to take the tour up onto the Grand Mesa where there is over 50 lakes, a visitor center along with resorts, camping and hiking trails.  Also if you plan your trip maybe at the right time, you just might get in on the Country Jam in June or the Rock Jam in Aug that goes on near Grand Junction.

Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter, it’s a beautiful place to check out and explore and the landscape is amazing.  I wish we would have had more time to do more things, but we didn’t.  So that means sometime down the road, we will need to come back again, but this time to explore more and work less.

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