Saturday, September 10, 2011


It’s been 10 years ago now that our country was attacked.  Like Pearl Harbor, I think this will be branded permanently in our brains forever.

So I ask you my friends this question:  Where Were You 10 Years Ago?  I will never forget where we were and what we were doing…

It was a bright sunny morning, we had just finished working for a private campground in Ortonville, MN.  We stopped a few nights in Sioux Falls, SD where I just bought a new refurbished computer for the first time.

After leaving Sioux Falls, SD, we  headed for the Power Loop District Campgrounds near Columbus NE.  when we got there the sky was grey for a day or so.  On Sept 11, 2001, it was a picture perfect day with perfect temps and lots of sunshine.

As I sat at our kitchen table trying to figure out how my new computer was to work out, Brian was watching Good Morning America.  He told me that something was going in New York and thought a plane had just hit into a building.  He got up to go to the bathroom, I got up to watch what was happening when I saw the second plane hit the World Trade Center. 

From there on, it just seemed like time just froze!  We had no cell phone at the time, no way to communicate to our daughters.  I was so scared that I wasn’t sure what we should do.  the TV was kept on as we watched the towers collapse, a plane hitting into the Pentagon and the 4th plane crashing into a field.

a few hours later a deputy stopped by and said that we are in lock down. Which meant we could not move our rig until further notice and to stay put.  We were allowed to drive the truck into town. We had been told that the President Of The United States was bunkered down somewhere in the state of Nebraska.  Later that day we went into town to find an American Flag, and none could be found.  We also was able to call our daughters and let them know we were safe and to tell them we loved them very much.

That night the stars were out bright and not a plane in sight was flying our skies. It really gave you an eerie feeling to look up and see no flashing lights, wondering what destination people were heading. 
There was a gas station just up the road from the campground and the next day cars were lining up all the way back to our campground, trying to fuel up.  All other gas stations in town was empty and those that did have fuel was jacking the prices up past $5.00 per gallon.

Days later we finally got the okay to travel on.  So we hitched up and scooted closer to our destination in Texas.  As we left the town of Columbus, we notice hardly a flag flying and all I remember is how sad we felt.  As we drove we kept the radio on for any further news bulletin.

When we finally did arrive to our destination in TX we were greeted with an huge American Flag on the gate and that made me feel proud to start working for the Corps of Engineer.

That day seemed like yesterday and one I will NEVER forget.

So my friends take time to remember those that lost their lives for no reason what-so-ever and for ALL of our Heroes; past, present and future.

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