Friday, November 25, 2011


When Brian and I started our travels we went through all of our clothes and reduced what we had.  We decided we will no longer need heavy sweatshirts, sweaters, boots, gloves and most of all winter coats.

Our first winter was a huge mistake getting rid of all that since we got stuck in an horrible ice storm near Hot Spring AR.  We had to go buy once again gloves and hats.  But we refuse to buy a winter coat. 

After that bad experience we decided that thereafter all of our winters would be in the southern warmer states.  One year we traveled around parts of Louisiana and although we never had ice, when it rained it was very cold and damp.  Then we ended up in Northern Texas and once again in the cold and yet once again, we refuse to buy a winter coat…

Here we are again facing cold weather at least until Christmas time and we still refuse to buy that winter coat.  So how we do stay warm?  layers of clothing.  We wear t-shirts with long sleeve shirts.  When we go outdoors we put on our hooded sweatshirts and then our windbreaker/rain coats.  We did break down this year and bought stocking hats.

Now our Miniature Pincher, Leah Kay-well that’s a different story.  She’s ready for any type of weather that may come her way:

she has rain coat,


A summer dress,

03-North Padre Island Jan & Feb 2010-08

A spring/fall type coat,


Somehow along the way we recently have lost the coat that is shown up above.  That was mine and I think Leah’s too favorite coat of all.  So now I must make her another new coat to keep her warm. 

and for really cold days just about everything gets covered up!

01B-2009 A very Scary Year For Us

and now she owns a Christmas coat;


With the exception of the rain coat, I have made all of her coats, so that way I know for sure she will stay nice and warm on these cold days when out walking.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Brian and I have full time RVing for a long time now.  When holidays come around, it gets a little depressing sometimes for me.  I miss the family gatherings and all the trimmings that goes along with it.

But as Brian and I do travel we are making new memories for the holidays-making each year a little better for me to accept.

I remember our first Thanksgiving on the road.  We were staying at a Corp of Engineer park near Hot Springs AR.  Brady Mountain campground to be exact.  We were newbies to the RV full-time lifestyle; fresh on the road-not even a month.  In fact we still had temporary tags both on our Coachman 5th wheel and dodge diesel truck.

Our small little 5th wheel had a very small oven and we couldn’t even fit the smallest turkey in it-even if we tried.  So the next best thing was going out for a Thanksgiving dinner.  We called around and being on a tight budget-we settled  on Shoney’s Thanksgiving buffet.

Thanksgiving day rolled around and we decided to keep a tradition that we started when the girls were young and that was having pumpkin pie for breakfast. (now that’s another story to be written at another time).  It started to rain like the dickens as we hopped into our truck and headed to town.  Got into Shoney’s and waited a short time to be seated.  The turkey turned out to be rolled turkey meat-not even a real turkey!  The dressing I think was to be cornbread dressing; which we were not use to.  When it came to the pie, a waitress came around and asked if we wanted pumpkin, apple or sweet potato pie.  Of course we said pumpkin.  We got a small sliver of a slice and a dollop of hard cool whip on top (it’s a good thing we ate a small one for breakfast…).


It was the most disappointing Thanksgiving meal we could possibly ever had!  Next thing was laundry to do and there was a laundry mat open.  Two of the machines ripped me off and no one to complain to…

We soon discovered that the Wal-Mart supercenters were open!  Never been in one until we came to AR before; we manage to pass over 3 hours of just walking around, while it poured outdoors. 

So that is how our first Thanksgiving on the road turned out.  Each year did get better.  We soon found private parks and spent holidays in them; which helped the holidays go much easier for the both of us. 

We did not try another Thanksgiving meal out again-until a few years ago when we spent the holiday down in North Padre Island for winter.  We went into Corpus Christi to Golden Corral.  They did do carved turkey.  We were there early enough-but it just still didn’t seem like it was the best.  I guess there just isn’t anything like a good home cooked meal….

We did have fun with holiday dinners in the private park.  You had a huge variety of food along with both types of dressing-bread and cornbread.  The only bad thing about that was-no left over turkey to take home! 

So from now on it’s a given with us-We will cook our own Thanksgiving dinner and make our own memories each year!  And we can pig out as much as we want to!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and hope each year brings new memories….

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Just Another Week…

aaahh…just another week around here in Coffeyville.  Let’s see, they say the ground has shook under our feet, tornadoes not so far away, amazon gearing up for the holidays, problems here in the park.  Just another week…

Let’s just start off by saying the temps have been like a roller coaster around here.  Up, down, up, down.  We get a few days into the 70’s with lots of sunshine.  But with that sunshine we also get the winds.  Then here comes a round of storms, spouting off tornados.  Luckily none near us, however this past week what was thought to be an EF2 turned out to be an EF4 and it was heading in our direction.  But it never reached us and all we got from it was winds, torrential rain and lots of lightning and thunder.  A rude awaking at midnight.

Then a few hundred miles south of us in central OK they have been having earthquakes-the strongest being 5. something on the Richter Scale.  I don’t recall feeling that particular one.  But one night after going to bed, we felt the motorhome move and thought it was just another wind downburst; but I guess it wasn’t-it was actually the earth moving.  Now scientist are scrambling to figure out if these Earthquakes are natural or due to oil pressure from oil companies drillings.

Now at I was told that I would be moving to a different area along with 4 other folks-which never happened and now don’t know if it will.  They started talking about the “black-out” period starting the day after Thanksgiving.  If and sound like it could be a big IF (according to the rumors that seem to fly around) we should get overtime-starting with 10 hours extra, possibly going to 20 hours of OT.  As fast as they talk about that-then they go around asking anyone who wants to take VTO (voluntary time off).  AND at the same time-they are asking for VOT (voluntary over time) for this next Thursday. Of course I was the first to put my name on the list for the VOT.  Such a crazy place I work at-but I do like it.  And will return again next year!

Here at Big Chief Park-they are having their own share of problems.  But it’s the owners own fault for these problems.  With all the recent rain and downpours, once again a large rig punch through and this time it didn’t break the water line-but the electric line!  Knocked out power to 5-6 rigs; making a few unhappy campers.  Down the road a ways seems to be yet another large water leak.  However-they claim it’s still standing water from the recent rain-although everywhere else has dried up.  The camper in that spot has to waddle almost to get to his vehicle and can’t even get to the back side of his rig.

While checking out the bathrooms/showers the manager’s assistant was spraying down the showers with a combination of Lysol and bleach.  I made the statement that that won’t keep the mold and mildew away and that he’s going to have to put some muscles into cleaning.  His come back was that’s as good as it’s going to get and if they don’t like they can shower with the mold and mildew…I wonder how far that will go before campers start complaining…When he hoses down the bathrooms-they stay constantly wet and always standing water when you walk in-even in the toilet area…poor planning is all I have to say.

So as I said:  It’s just another week around here in Coffeyville-wonder what next week will be like?

Friday, November 4, 2011


I have now worked a full month here at and all I can say is: I SURVIVED!!-So far….
This past week has been a true test on all of us-both seasonal workers and the permanent workers that work all year there. 

Just like anywhere you go-rumors fly around: some being true-some stretching the truth.   This week it’s been hard to filter out all the rumors going on.  One thing is for sure in Plant D the tension has been extremely high making it a difficult place to work almost in perfect harmony.

It all started out on Sunday when 1st break rolled around and we all were asked who wanted to take VTO (voluntary time off).  As it is, Sundays are what we call lull days; when hardly anyone is there.  I kind of liked Sundays because not too many bodies running around.  Anyways, a few took the VTO while us die-hard turned it down (like me) and continue to work.  Once again after lunch, during Stand-up exercise/announcements VTO was asked.  Again a few more left.  At 1:30pm we all were told to clock out and go home at 2pm and not to come in until 8am on Monday.

Needless to say I was actually disappointed about not receiving my full 40 hours of work this week. with it only being the beginning-what would the remaining of the week bring?

Come Monday they came around this time asking if anyone wanted to take VTO on Tuesday or Wednesday or both days!  Again my answer was NO!  Gosh darn it, I was hired to work, work and work.  I was looking forward to the extra money to fuel our motorhome this summer and finally not having to not work a summer!  Now I’m to the point that I’m really worried about job security here at with the holidays coming up.  Also on Monday I was moved around to 3 different Prep areas (normally called Prep Cells).

Here is where rumors start. The full-time workers are blaming us seasonal workers.  They say we are coming in and taking over their job where they don’t get their time in.  Rumor is that in receiving-there will be no overtime and with them constantly bringing in more workers, they won’t be enough work for everyone. Another rumor is because of several other new fulfillment centers opening-all the products are being sent there and not to us.

  One guy that was normally in stowe (putting items in proper areas after we receive them) was brought into help with prep.  The women in that area treated him rough-so he went home (note: it was his last day as he was moving on).  Another lady was brought over from outbound due to an injury and was placed on light duty until further notice.  They have her biting bullets and she too is close to quiting.  Only thing keeping her is she knows it’s temporary and she will be back in outbound soon.  Another lady who has been in prep since the beginning-the regulars had her crying.  So the morals of the plant isn’t very good right now.

On Tuesday I jumped from receiving to prepping back to receiving; which at times a few of us stood around waiting for product to come down the line.  We all held our breath as to if we were going to be sent home….

After lunch on Tuesday I finally went to one of our person in charge and said that I really don’t want any time off and if there was maybe an area that I could move to where I wouldn’t be asked day-to-day to take VTO.  She said that there were 5 people gong to picking (where we have to locate a purchase item and send it to outbound to be package).  I asked her if I could be one of those 5 and she told me I already was. 

Now I’m excited because again rumors are that there are no VTO in picking and they will work longer.  Plus I will now get the walking that I so much miss.

Wednesday morning I’m pumped up and ready for a new adventure.  As promise my name along with 4 others (one of which I have worked with) are up on the board to report to picking school at 7:45.  Until then we go to receiving line until it’s time.  We are all there ready to go.  We get signed in and pick up a scanner just to be told: “not going to happen this week”….our mouths dropped and we asked what was going on.  They claim miscommunication.  They also claim that they are not going to train 5 when they just asked 40 to VTO and they got more Seasonal Workampers coming in on Thursday for picking school! 

At this point I’m really, really frustrated and was just about to go ahead and take VTO-go home and weigh my options here at amazon.  We were assured that we would be back to picking school next week.  But at this point I hold nothing to face value-because there is no guarantee what next week will bring.

The Big shots (as I call them), are gearing up for black out.  This next Wednesday they are having a black out parade inside the plant, then everyone in the plant will meet in D section for a “party”.  It’s hard to be in the mood when tensions are high right now.  They also stated that work will start picking up and be more steady…

I was sent back to receiving and was told I would stay there until maybe next week…I guess only time will tell what will happen.  As down as I felt I really didn’t care if my percentage was up or down.  Surprising enough-my percentage was over hundred percent and work was constant.
After talking with some of the other workers, I soon learned that others have asked to be transfer to picking and they were not chosen….So now I’m curious as to what the new week and this next month will bring here at

Yes, I’m going to stick it out.  I really do like working here, I just don’t like the uncertainty it’s bringing.  Many of us seasonal workers come a long way to work and not to be left dangling on a string from day to day.