Sunday, April 8, 2012

WEEK OF: 04-01-2012: WAITING

SUNDAY:                          We moved off of BLM land and into Ford’s parking lot, while we await for warranty service to be done the following day.  Brian thought this would be easier for me, since it’s so tight to get into their lot for service work.  And since Sunday’s are always much quieter-this should make it much easier for me.
While waiting we decided to check out Parker area a little more.  We went into an old time hardware store and found the most friendliest folks there.  We even found a few things that we have been looking for.
We also took the time to go to a boat & RV place in hopes to find a white cover for the AC when we don’t use it (which is hardly ever).  Again the most friendliest folks we could have ever met and they even had the cover we have been looking for all winter long.
Sunday turned out to be a good and productive day for us.
MONDAY:                                   Ford is right on time in getting our motorhome in to see why we keep going through so many engine batteries.  Since we can’t be inside, I take Leah and we patiently wait in their lounge.  Leah doesn’t know what to think of others that are coming and going.  As she sits waiting with me she gets the urge to sound off every now and then.  Brian wanders around-the man can never sit still.  I think he’s worse than me when it comes to waiting around.
At first it appears that they cannot find out why our battery keeps going bad.  So we think that they will just replace it and send us on our way. As the mechanic does the draw test, he notice that something just isn’t right.  He traced it back to all the dash wiring that goes into a cluster module. 

 It has some kind of a short that eventually would have caused us major problems later on down the road.  This cluster module controls all of our dash lighting, speedometer, odometer, as well as our steps, back-up camera & controlling the slide-out.  Now we have to wait for Ford to agree to fix this problem under warranty.  I’m glad that this particular mechanic took the special time to locate and finally once and for all solving the problem that should have been solved a year ago. 

TUESDAY:                                  We started out yesterday by parking in this huge parking lot that we seen others park in, but we just didn’t get an easy feeling there.  So we moved over to Wal-Mart parking lot as we are waiting for a phone call from the mechanic that the part is in.  It could be a couple of days of waiting around.  In the meantime, I get some sewing done and Brian just puts around as we wait, wait wait….
WEDNESDAY:                            We are still waiting around for that phone call that the part is in…..Not much else to do.
Finally around 4:30pm we get the call that the part is in and we can come in the next morning to get it fixed and maybe be on our way that same day.
THURSDAY:                                        Once again we are back at Ford dealership and Leah and I are waiting in their waiting room for our motorhome to get fix.  It should only be a few hours.  It doesn’t take much to put the new modular in, but takes time to download the information back into it.
The mechanic runs into a snag.  He puts the new cluster modular in, downloaded the information into the chip, but for some reason-she won’t start.  He puts the old one back in and she starts.
Discovers he has to go to another Ford web page to download all the information into this new module for it to accept the idea that there is a new cluster module in order for the motorhome to start.   All this modern day stuff!
After 4 hours of waiting-we are finally done!  As we wait for the paper work Brian discovers that we have a boo-boo in the driver seat!  The mechanic forgot to lay down a protector sheet and the computer got hot enough to put a minor scratch and burn in the seat!

Ford is willing to make it right though when we come back next winter.  And all is written down.
By 12:30 we are on the road!  We only plan on going to Kingman AZ where we will stay the night at yet another Wal-Mart parking lot.
Brian was promised a KFC buffet and that’s what he is going for.  The Buffet was small, and not the best we have been to.  Although they were not busy-we couldn’t get the workers to replenish the Buffet.  They were too busy talking and goofing around.  Tables needed to be wiped down and the floor swept.  Won’t go back there again.
On the upside, we did find a solar unit for the engine battery at O’Reillys.  The mechanic suggested putting this on when we don’t drive for a few days.  We first went to Auto Zone and they don’t carry any solar units and suggested we go to an RV dealership. Gee, I wonder why they wouldn’t suggest their competition?
FRIDAY:                                       Up and on the road by 6:00am.  Will head towards 4 corners and go from there.  We take Interstate all the way to Flagstaff and then decided to take the scenic route of HWY 89  & 160.    Scenic yes, very beautiful, but out MH took a beating in areas of the road.  All the while we can see South Rim of the Grand Canyon.

Despite the fact that the weather for the area from Cameron all the way to Kayenta said wind speeds of 10-20mph NE were very inaccurate!  We caught side winds exceeding 35+!  If there was a place to pull over I would have, but the road was narrow and not much room and out in the middle of nowhere!
We finally arrive safely to the 4 Corner Monument.  Checked out everything and all seemed to be okay.  Took several pictures of 4 Corners. It was neat and a lifetime chance, but not all that spectacular-would not drive out of my way to go there though.
Decided that it that since it was only mid afternoon we would keep going and get into Farmington, NM; stay overnight replenish our grocery supply and then head out to Navajo Dam on Saturday.
SATURDAY:                             We awoke to very cold morning.  Decided to get our groceries and head out.  We turned on Ms. Garmin with Navajo Dam’s address.  As we get into Aztec she want’s me to turn onto a road.  After making the turn, there is a sign “Dead End”…oops….now what?
I manage to get turned around without unhitching the car, get  back on the highway.  Brian gets the trusty map out.  Another mile down the road was where we actually needed to turn.  It’s just that they have changed the road some and the Garmin didn’t know that.  So back on track again.
Once again the road is rough and the poor motorhome takes yet another beating, but we arrive in one piece.  Now time to find a site and get settled in for a few weeks of exploring. 

Whew-we are tuckered out (including our dog, Leah) and it’s time to relax and enjoy!!!

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