Thursday, February 28, 2013


It's time for me to make some drastic changes to my blog.  Kidztravlin will no longer be publishing blogs on this page.  I know I will loose some followers, but at the same time I'm hoping to gain new followers with a new blog web page and along with that eventually making the blog web page into an actual web account. 

So it's Good bye and say hello to!

So why the change now?  Well as I'm getting older (yeah, it's true-I'm showing some gray hairs).  I look long and hard at my blog web page and wonder if I really would read from someone with the web page like the kidztravlin???  Maybe-Maybe not. I would wonder if it was kidz travling around or what and that might gear me away from looking at the web I think that might have happened. 

But now if I saw something ....travelin-that would probably keen my interest a little more on what those folks might have to say and what they have done. 

I will still keep kidztravlin.blogspot active-for I think I have some good info for those few that might come across it someday.  And for those that do follow me, I will for a spell, post my new blog onto kidztravlin.  So you shouldn't miss to much, but hope you will switch over with us to our new blog web page!!!

So how did we come up with bstravelin?  no it doesn't stand for "bull shit"  It stands for our initials- Brian and Sharon!  Brian came up with the catchy phrase-so blame him!! 
I look forward to continue writing and hope to catch a few more readers along the way!!!

Again the new blog web page is:


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