Saturday, June 11, 2011


On Wednesday, The Colorado River crested and should be slowly going back down.  Fortunately not a lot of homes have been effected by all this flooding.

As for the I-70, it’s open but traffic limited to one lane both east and west bound between Fruita, CO and the Utah border.

The James M. Robb Colorado River State Park system-the river has made some impact in areas.  The park is divided up with Island Acres being east of Grand Junction, Fruita being on the west side of G. J. then they have Corn Lake and the Connected Lake in Clifton & the G.J. area.  Both the Corn and the Connected lakes had to be shut down earlier this week, due to the rising of the river.

As one of our rangers was at Connected lake, checking the Burm along the river bank, and it gave way and next thing he knew, he was in the river!  Fortunately he was able to pull himself back out, before the  current swept him downward.  He had waiters on that  quickly filled with water, this  ranger was very lucky.  Due to all of this, has prompted our lake manager to close all trails on the burms, including ours here at Island Acres.  We did find a few areas, where the river is starting to cut into the dirt wall, so safety needs to come first.  Our rangers here have been All busy placing barricades and closure signs on the trail.

On Thursday,(the 9th), the Levee at Connected Lake, was breached, causing the closure of the road into Connected Lake.  The park is predicting this will be short live and will have the levee fixed before too long.  with this levee breaking it has caused some flooding into a couple of homes nearby.

Although the river level is slowly dropping, we all are still not out of the wood with the flooding.  We are slowly seeing it going down here, but as the temps are warming up and there is still lots of snow that needs to melt.  they don’t predict the river to go down any time real soon.

Officials have closed the rivers to single chamber blow-up device.  The Colorado River is very popular for tubing, rafting, and kayaking.  the roller dam just above us is a popular place for “surfing’ and it’s been very active with lots of visitors riding the big surf waves it is creating.

the news media stated that if the river reaches 14 feet at the Cameo exit, then our park will flood out.  We didn’t reach that 14 feet-so the park is safe, and ready for lots of visitors to come visit us.

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