Monday, August 6, 2012


While camped at Jemez Falls we took the 2 mile hike to the McCauley Warm Springs.  On our first adventure, we weren’t sure which direction to head, since the map doesn’t tell you where it’s actually at….

We asked a group that appeared that maybe that is where they were heading and they actually headed us in the wrong direction!  Yes, we think it was deliberately…oh well.  Due to recent rains here in the Jemez Mountains the creek we thought we had to cross was overflowing and pure muddy with no safe way of crossing.

So this particular day-no soaking in the warm springs for us…getting back to the campground we asked another couple if they knew where the spring was at and they gave us perfect directions. 

So now I will do my best to give those that wish to find these springs directions so they don’t get confused-like we did.

Many folks that head to McCauley Warm Springs will go from Battleship Rock Monument and hit the trail from that end.  But there are us that go in from Jemez Falls.  The Springs are about a 1/2 way point on the trail if hiking from Jemez Falls to Battleship and visa versa.  One way the hike is about 4-4 1/2 miles.  Which means getting to the springs is a 2 mile hike-one way.

So, if at Jemez Falls, jump on the trail that says to Battleship Rock.  As you go down the hill from Jemez Falls Day-use area you come to a split immediately at the beginning of the trail.  There is a wooden post, one stating Jemez Falls in one direction and McCauley in the other direction.  Follow the trail up the hill.  A short distance you come across an intersection in the trail.  Take a moment and take the trail to the left (Westward).   It only goes a very short distant and take in the view from there.  It was breathtaking!  Here are a few pics of what we saw:

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Now get back on the trail.  If you didn’t make that left turn, you would go straight ahead and there is a wooden post that states the trail goes straight. 

At this point of the trail it will get very rough and not a trail for those with bad hip, knee or any other serious health issues to be on.  The hike gets very difficult.  The trail is easy to follow, but due again to all the flash flooding recently-the trail has many washed out area and then you have to climb over, up or jump (short distant) off rocks.  Mind you; all the while you are climbing downward.  So what goes down-in this instant-must go back up…that’s the hard part!

You will also have  to either do the limbo, or climb (in my case I’m short-so I had to straddle), several fallen pine trees.  There were points we wonder if we were headed in the right direction.  If you can hear the creek to your left in the distant-then you are on the right track.  You will come across some very red terrain on this trail as well.

DSC08528         DSC08529

As you do get closer to the  springs, you will hear more rushing water.  You will come across a small meadow like and will see some paths to your left.  Those paths are just camping spots people have made over the years.  Just veer to your right, and climb a short ways and before you know it-wha la-you are at the springs!

There are three pools, the first one you see is the smaller of the three.  Now these springs are called “warm” springs.  They are not hot in any means.  We guess the temp to be maybe 78-80.

When we got in, we started to get nibbled on by minnows!  It was a very weird feeling to feel these little fishies eating on our flesh.  Some folks think it’s refreshing and enjoy it-for us we didn’t care to much for it. 

DSC08533 Can you see the minnows swimming around?


DSC08536  The lower pool


  DSC08537 The Top pool

Anyways, we decided that the pools were not warm enough and didn’t care for the minnows in it.  We will go and check out Spence HOT Springs and see if it’s any better. 


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