Friday, April 15, 2011


Living most of our lives in the Midwest, we got so use to Central Time.  You Spring ahead in the springtime, and Fall back in the fall.  Shows started at what we would call  “normal” times.  News at 5:o0pm, primetime shows starting at 7:00pm and news again at 10:00pm.
As we headed out to spend out winter months in Arizona out in the desert, it became different.  Arizona does not Spring ahead or Fall back.  This is mostly due to summer months being so extremely hot that they don’t want the extra long summer days with the sun high in the sky until 7, 8 or 9 o’clock.   So by 7:o0pm the sun could very well be setting in the summer.  As for the news or shows, they still stay the same as if Central Time Zone, even though they are 99% on Mountain Time Zone.  So in the winter time, our Time Zone for Arizona is the same as those that live in Colorado in Mountain Time Zone.
As we talked to family members in Wisconsin, our time difference was only one hour, with them being ahead.  Talking to family members in Virginia only put them 2 hours ahead.  But now that we are back onto Day-Light Savings, that changes everything. 
We are now two and three hours behind family members, and we lag behind one hour from Colorado where our daughter lives..  Pacific Time changes everything for us.
As we sit here near Las Vegas, we are on Pacific Time. Although it’s Day-Light Savings time, Arizona and Pacific Time stay the same. But that doesn’t  mean that our prime-time shows and news start the same.  In Pacific time news starts at 6:00pm, Prime time shows start at 8:00pm and nightly news isn’t until 11:00pm.
If we were to take our canoe out to the middle of Lake Mead, we would literally sit on the time zone for Mountain & Pacific.
So how screwy is all this as we travel?  Well, sometime we don’t know if it’s really time for breakfast,  lunch or dinner, I guess we go with when our tummies are growling, then we know it’s time to eat.  We get up when the light shines in, and when we are totally exhausted at night, we go to bed, whether it may be 8:00pm, 9:00pm or 10:00pm!  Since being on Pacific Time, we haven’t made it yet to 11:00pm.

1 comment:

  1. Great observations. We have noted some of the same kind of things in our moseying about.
