Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Well, we only got to spend a very short time at San Rafael Swell in Utah.  As we arrived, got set up and was hoping to spend a little time there, once again my right foot started to swell.  Not only the swelling was a concern, but it was accompany with some minor pain and my toes going to sleep.
So now it’s was determined that maybe I needed a second opinion to find out what the heck is going on with my foot.  I’m really starting to miss my walking and hiking.
Anyways, we made our stay at the Swells short and moved onto Grand Junction CO.  We planned on parking at the National Monument until it was time to get our spot at the James M. Robb CO River State Park/Island Acres Section.
We arrived on Sunday May 15th, got parked, called our daughter, but forgot that she was at a graduation party.  So waited for her to call back, let her know we were in town.  Of course we all couldn’t wait to meet.  So we met at the McDonald’s in Clifton, (we would have went to her place, but she is cat sitting for her cousin while her parents are in town).  Lissi gets a phone call and we are all invited over to her cousins house for a bite to eat.  Sunday became a long day for us and everyone else.
Monday morning rolls around and now it’s try to find a doctor to look at my foot-again.  This town is crazy!  You can’t get into a regular doctor unless you go through urgent care or the ER first!!  So once again-urgent care it is…hopefully the doctor is better than the one back in St. George, Utah.
And it is.  The doctor was a female doctor that was concerned and willing to spend time to find out what was going on.  First thing she notice that I have some bruising on the underneath area.  Being morning, and not been on my feet, the swelling is naturally down.  Another round of x-rays shows that it is not broke or fracture, but a floating bone or calcium build-up.  The only freaking thing is a calcium build-up usually attaches to the bone and this one is not.  She couldn’t determine if the bone is what has caused the  bruising on the opposite side or not.  So now it’s time for a foot specialist to have this matter taken care of once and for all.  But for now I have to take it easy, keep it wrap during the day and take Aleve until I get into the foot specialist.  
I got in on the 24th of this month.  The first visit will be an initial exam visit.  Here it will be determine if the procedure can be done there in the office or if I will have to go over to the hospital.  We think the procedure can be done in the office-or we are hoping for that anyways.

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